Modernizing the MTA's signaling system with Ultra Wideband Technology
The Challenge
The Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) challenged Humatics to propose Ultra Wideband (UWB) train positioning solutions. The pilot would have to prove three things, all within one year: they would have to be viable for train control; meet MTA environmental requirements; and be safety-certifiable.
The Solution
Over the course of 10 months, Humatics deployed its Rail Navigation System in partnership with the MTA on 5.5 miles of track in Brooklyn, NY and on four R143 subway train sets, successfully completed functional train control testing and collected terabytes of positioning data for algorithm development.
What We Found
Humatics Rail Navigation System deemed safety certifiable
One train could be outfitted with the HRNS in 4 days compared to over 30 days for traditional CBTC equipment
Maintenance is less disruptive and easy
Wayside replacements can be performed within 7 minutes under flagging operations – no service shutdowns required as they are for transponder maintenance
Carborne equipment can be replaced within 10 minutes in a yard, keeping maintenance bays open for heavy repairs
Clearing the track bed has several advantages
Humatics system kept operating when traditional CBTC failed because climatic issues are alleviated – no impact due to flooding, pooling water or ice
Track renewals and maintenance will not disrupt signaling as transponder replacements or misplacements are eliminated
Prepare for the future
Investing in technological solutions now readies your system for advanced applications like automated depots, virtual coupling and automated train rescue
“Ultra-wideband wireless technology brings the promise of fewer and shorter delays, and faster and cheaper installation of modern CBTC signaling, by eliminating much of the equipment traditionally fitted under trains and on tracks. This is a game-changer for our customers.”
– MTA Press Release, January 23, 2020
Would you like to keep your transit system on-time and moving?
How Humatics successfully pilots the Humatics Rail Navigation System with the MTA.
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Humatics celebrates One-Year anniversary of UWB-Based positioning system pilot, accelerating MTA signal modernization